Nous sommes tous au chômage !” cria Table, « TOUS »! C’était un sombre jour, les mots pleuraient, après avoir été, petit à petit, remplacés par un autre. C’était l’œuvre du dictateur, Truc, qui régnait sur le Dictionnaire. Madame Larousse, Monsieur Robert et son petit, se réunissaient régulièrement pour essayer de trouver une solution à ce désastre qui mettait […]
Author Archives: Evariste
Starting a “Computer” Business
I woke up this morning while in the middle of a dream. It happens rarely. The good thing about waking up this way is that you remember the last part of the dream. Dreams, they say, reflect the subconscious thoughts of the previous day(s). I tend to disagree. Who would know what are your subconscious thoughts? They […]
Why is everybody starting with “Why”?
Why are the Virgin Atlantic stewardesses wearing red high heeled shoes? Is it to better serve the frequent flyers of the now legendary airline? It seems that even the legendary airline has lost its compass. The page referencing the high heeled shoes has gone missing! I have checked the Virgin website, I could not find it. I will […]
Ce qui est dû
A 18 ans, on m’a informé que je devais payer « ce qui était dû». Payer qui? On ne me l’a jamais dit. Et avec quoi ? Pas de réponse. « Paie ce qui est dû». Je commençais par payer ce que je devais au collège. Puis je payais mon université ; il semblait que […]
Thank God I am not called Ivan…
I am a busy executive. The bank has put me in charge of its administrative affairs. When I took the job, I imagined my day as a sequence of well-ordered steps, culminating in matter of fact decisions with clockwork precision. It is 8:30 in the morning. Monday. The weekend is behind us. Lunch was nice in the little restaurant in […]
Predatory Mood…
When Dalo, the project manager, received the call that morning, she did not expect that it would last for so long. Frida, the IT manager at the hospital, was frantic: someone has been changing the prices of prostheses in some of the invoices sent to the insurance company. How was this possible? The billing application used an […]
Generic Transactions Part I
In an ideal business world, documents travel across the departments with ease and monotony. We say that they flow. Unfortunately, things are never this simple. External factors, which are seldom under our control, continuously influence our business. Our documents have to perform feats to reach their final destination, and sometimes they never do. EXTREMELY SIMPLE SCENARIO […]
Les gens pensent que vous ne faites rien s’ils ne savent pas ce que vous faites
People think that you are doing nothing if they don’t know what you are doing! A good friend of mine, not the talkative type, mind you, came up with this saying one evening I was complaining that very few people appreciated what I did. This encouraged me to start this blog, to share what I was doing, and to […]
Looking for the right question then listen to answers to previous questions
Every once in a while a great question is asked, and the immediate reaction of people listening to the conversation will say:“That’s it! You have hit the nail on the head!” Strange thing is that the answer to the question is not forthcoming, it only opens the door to a better understanding of the problem. […]
Generic Transactions – Part II
Unfortunately, this was only the beginning. As competition is getting fiercer, management requires now the addition of security features to the different modules. No cost price should appear in the warehouses, and the goods receipts procedure should be split in two steps: 13– The storekeeper checks that the items and quantities are those that have been ordered, […]