Author Archives: Evariste

Harmony in Numbers: The Universal Language of the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio

The Fibonacci sequence, denoted by the series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, is omnipresent. It is exemplified by the petal counts of numerous flowers, which often present the sequence’s numbers: 3, 5, 8, 13, or 21. This sequence extends to the arrangement of leaves in cacti and […]

The Visionary’s Framework: The Rise of “Banque de l’Avenir”

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Lyon, a bank named Banque de l’Avenir was owned by a visionary named Monsieur Lefèvre. The bank was known for its innovative approach, always a step ahead in adopting cutting-edge technology. Monsieur Lefèvre, always seeking to enhance his bank’s services, discovered a powerful tool in the […]

Dragon’s Embrace: A Berytus Love Myth

In the ancient kingdom of Berytus, a tale of siblings bound by blood and destiny unfolded. Cadmus, a noble warrior, embarked on a heroic journey to rescue his beloved sister, Europa, whom Zeus had spirited away as a majestic bull. As Cadmus ventured through enchanted lands and faced mythical trials to reach Crete, he showcased […]

The Technocrat’s Odyssey: A Sonata in Software Verse

In fair Lebanon, where we lay our scene, From ancient code breaks to new software sheen. Where civil IT hands make civil apps reign, And inventive minds, their craft attain. From forth the lofty halls of learning deep, A scholar steeped in knowledge, secrets to keep. In Electronics, Communications’ embrace, Digital whispers weave, a tale […]

Rising from the Rubble: Envisioning a Resilient Lebanon

In the heart of the Mediterranean lies a country with the resilience of the cedar and the tumultuous history of ancient crossroads. Once a beacon of financial prosperity and cultural dynamism in the region, Lebanon now grapples with an economic crisis of epic proportions. Once proud and steadfast, the Lebanese pound has faltered, echoing through […]


Je suis coincé, je panique. Entre le mur, le compresseur de l’air conditionné, et trois chats à l’affût : Princesse, Osaka et Psycho. Je me faufile un peu plus loin. Tout à coup, deux humains apparaissent. Ils m’observent avec grand intérêt ! La jeune femme s’exclame : c’est bien elle, elle était dans le grenier […]

Goodbye Hani!

Dear J…, Dear C…f, I am writing to you and C…f, whose email I do not have, because shar­ing pain is another form of love. I am so sorry Hani has passed away, this bland set of words can­not express my sor­row. Part of me is gone with him, the part that he woke every […]


Hello, my name is Carla and believe it or not, I am not a girl. I am not a cat either, nor a domest­ic anim­al with a girl’s name. I am an applic­a­tion! My cre­at­or had the puerile idea of using an acronym , (a word formed from the ini­tials or oth­er parts of sev­er­al […]

Why we decided to develop a different application? (1)

I was being inter­viewed by an aud­it­or from the Central Bank con­trol com­mis­sion. She wanted to know what was the effect of chan­ging, without due author­ity, the interest rate of a factor­ing account on the monthly pay­ments of the cli­ent. The lady sug­ges­ted that the ques­tion would have been easy to answer if we had an audit trail […]

We built a product to meet the theoretical needs of an imaginary banker, HOW AND WHY? (1)

A few years ago, as we were devel­op­ing a soft­ware applic­a­tion for a major whole­sale and retail dis­trib­ut­or, I made a new friend, a guy named Gordon Saris. That’s him above. (Don’t look, he is pro­tec­ted by copy­rights; that’s why I had to remove his pic­ture from here.) And if you are won­der­ing if I mis­spelled his name, think again; I can assure you that […]