The Technocrat’s Odyssey: A Sonata in Software Verse

In fair Lebanon, where we lay our scene,
From ancient code breaks to new software sheen.
Where civil IT hands make civil apps reign,
And inventive minds, their craft attain.

From forth the lofty halls of learning deep,
A scholar steeped in knowledge, secrets to keep.
In Electronics, Communications’ embrace,
Digital whispers weave, a tale to trace.

With years four decades and three, a leader bold,
A company’s helm, as tales of tech unfold.
Through economic tides and financial maze,
Invention thrives in the IT’s vibrant blaze.

O’er ORM and OOP, the craftsman sails,
A software symphony, where logic prevails.
Hobbies blend with the pursuit of lore,
In Shakespearean verse, yours story I explore.

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