In the classified section of a daily newspaper an advertisement reads: “Old problem looking for a way out”. If I find a solution to that old problem, do I become part of the “creative” group of humans? If I spend time and energy, elaborating this new solution and then stop, will I have reached my goal? I would think not. The answer I have […]
Author Archives: Evariste
Motivated by…
In a country where people are motivated by greed, driven by ambition and led by instincts, some stand powerless. We take our values from corrupt politicians, enshrined by ‘virtue’, or should I say shrouded by ‘virtue’ which stench fills nostrils and permeates beings. We observe, analyse and deduct like Winston Smith (1984) and are unable to act […]
Motivés par…
Dans un pays où les hommes sont motivés par leur avidité, conduits par leur ambition et menés par leurs instincts, nous demeurons impuissants. Nous puisons nos valeurs chez des politiciens corrompus, baignant dans leur halo de ‘vertu’, (dans leur linceul, plutôt) dont la puanteur sature les narines et corrompt les êtres. Nous observons, analysons et […]
“His collected work runs to only 60 pages but is brimful of ideas that mathematicians today still feed off profitably” The Guardian Newspaper – January 20th, 2012 Galois was to mathematics what Arthur Rimbaud, a generation later, was to poetry. He was born in a small town south of Paris in 1811. His family were highly political, […]